The characteristics of aluminium make it an ideal material for food packaging. It is temperature stable, has excellent heat conductivity, is non-toxic, odourless and moisture resistant. These advantages make aluminium foil containers ideal for various applications within the food industry - food can be chilled, frozen, baked, reheated and grilled.

Aluminium is 100% recyclable and will not release toxins into the enviroment. The scrap aluminium can be reused in manuafacturing more aluminium products, after its initial production, the process involves simply re-melting the metal, which is far less expensive and energy-intensive than creating new aluminium.

The FSC Certified board that is used is made with an aquaeous coating. Eco Sorted only sell the brown FSC cerified board with a aqueous coating, we do not sell the plastic lined or plastic lids that are available.



  • It is temperature stable, has excellent heat conductivity,
  • It is non-toxic, odourless and moisture resistant.
  • It can be chilled, frozen, baked, reheated and grilled.
  • Aluminium is 100% recyclable
  • It will not release toxins into the enviroment.
  • The scrap aluminium can be reused in manuafacturing more aluminium products.


  • Product is not compostable and biodegradable
  • It is not made with a renewable resource
  • When it is incinertated it releases sulphar dioxide and nitrogen dioxide
  • High CO2 emisssions in production